Cebu Blue Pothos Care

Cebu Blue Pothos Care

A Cebu Blue Pothos Plant can make your home or office room into a mini jungle. With its tropical vines and green leaves, this plant is beautiful to have and easy to maintain. One popular way to showcase this plant is to put it into a hanging basket, so the vines can gracefully fall off to the side. Here is the care guide for Cebu Blue Pothos Plants!


Common Names

  • Epipremnum Pinnatum
  • Cebu Blue Pothos Plant
  • Blue Pothos
  • Devil’s Ivy
  • Blue philodendron
  • Centipede Tongavine
  • Dragon-Tail Plant


What Soil Works Best for a Dragon-Tail Plant?

What Soil Works Best for a Dragon-Tail Plant


Well-draining soil works best for a Dragon-Tail Plant. To give the ground a bit more texture, you can add some sand, vermiculite, orchid bark, and perlite to the mix. Also, you can add a moss pole to the center of the soil to allow the plant to latch onto it and grow.


In addition to the potting mix, you want to ensure the plant is in a container with drainage holes. Root rot is a common problem, so getting draining soil put in a pot with holes can reduce that issue for the Dragon-Tail Plant.


Can you use a Houseplant Fertilizer?

You can use a liquid fertilizer for this plant to improve Cebu Blue Pothos care during the growing season. The recommendation is to use half the advice on the back of the liquid fertilizer if it is your first time giving the plant extra nutrients. Choosing half the guidance in fertilizer is a good idea because you don’t want to provide the plant with too many additional nutrients to absorb all at once.


How Much Sunlight Does a Devil’s Ivy Need?

how much sunlight does a devils ivy need

Bright indirect light works best for a Devil’s Ivy plant. Keeping this plant in an area without direct sunlight will work best. If this plant gets too much direct sunlight, it can scorch the leaves. To reduce direct sunlight hitting the plant, place it in front of a north-facing window.


However, be mindful of the plant looking leggy. A leggy plant is a sign that it might be in an area with too much low light, so it begins to stretch for additional sunlight. If you notice that, move the plant to a site that receives more bright indirect light.


Finally, you can also use a grow light with this plant. A grow light is a good option if the plant is in a room that doesn’t get much sunlight, like a bathroom with no windows.


What Temperature Works Best for a Cebu Blue Pothos?

A Cebu Blue Pothos plant works best in a 60 – 90 degree Fahrenheit temperature. Anything less than 50 degrees Fahrenheit starts causing problems for this plant to grow healthy and strong. Overall, your room temperature tends to work fine for this plant.


What Humidity Requirements Does the Devil’s Vine Need?

What Humidity Requirements Does the Devil's Vine Need

With this being a tropical plant, you should mimic a high humidity level climate if possible. Consider placing this plant in a bathroom with a shower to simulate a tropical environment. Misting is another good option to create extra humidity around the plant. You can also put the plant on a pebble tray and place a humidifier next to this plant to mimic its natural habitat.


However, while the plant enjoys high humidity levels, you don’t want to overdo it. Root rot can occur if the soil mix cannot dry before waterings, so running a humidifier next to it all day can cause that problem. Root Rot can happen if the light conditions are poor and humid for extended periods.


How Often Should You Water a Cebu Blue Pothos?

You can water a Cebu Blue Pothos when the top inch of soil becomes dry. This plant enjoys regular watering, but be mindful of overwatering the plant. Since this plant has root rot problems, you want to ensure that the excess water is draining out of the container before watering the plant again.


However, underwatering the plant will result in crispy leaves that will fall off the plant. If you notice leaves wilting or falling off quickly when you touch them, you should increase the watering schedule.


What Size Does a Cebu Blue Typically Grow to?

What Size Does a Cebu Blue Grow to Typically

A Cebu Blue grows to over 6 feet due to their hanging vines. To help preserve the look and not let it get too leggy, you should regularly prune it. Pruning the plant helps keep the natural look and doesn’t create unnecessary stress on the plant if it is in a hanging basket falling off to the side.


Most Common Bugs

Spider Mites and Mealybugs are common pests with this plant. If you notice these bugs are on the plant, you need to wipe them down with a damp cloth and insecticidal soap.


Most Common Diseases

Root Rot is an issue with this plant when it receives too much water and can’t absorb it. Root rot can cause other issues like fungus in the potting soil if the plant is in poor light and is damp.


To fix root rot, you want to pull the plant from the current container, remove any fungus and dead roots, and then place it back in fresh soil. After that, you should put the plant in an area with medium-light or morning sun.


Another problem with this plant is with yellow leaves. Yellow leaves signal that the plant is getting too little or too much light. If you notice a single yellow leaf, you can snip that part off the plant to preserve energy and place it in an area with medium light.


Can you Prune a Cebu Blue Pothos?

Can you Prune a Cebu Blue Pothos

Since this is a fast grower, you will need to prune the plant regularly. It is best to prune the plant during the growing season to recover after the cutting and have new growth. You need to use a sharp and clean knife and cut below the plant nodes to prune. It is also good to prune the plant when you notice yellow leaves to preserve its energy.

Can you Propagate a Cebu Blue Pothos?

Here is how to propagate Cebu Blue Pothos Plants using the water method


  1. Cut around six inches off the plant below the plant node on the mother plant
  2. Remove any leaves that are on the bottom of the stem
  3. Place the new cutting into a jar of water
  4. After a few weeks with roots growing out of the bottom, you can place the cutting into fresh potting soil


Can you Repot a Cebu Blue Pothos?

Since this is a fast grower, you will need to repot the plant regularly. Signs that you should repot the plant is if the plant is outgrowing the current container. When repotting the plant, put it into a hanging basket or a container two inches bigger in diameter than the previous home.


Where Does the Dragon-Tail Plant Originate from Initially?

The Dragon-Tail Plant originates from the Cebu Islands.


What UDA Zone Works Best?

The USDA Hardiness that works best for this plant is between 9-11.


Is it Toxic?

Ingesting a Dragon-Tail plant is toxic to humans and pets. Common issues when ingesting this plant are stomach aches and or vomiting. However, vomiting is rare for a human or pet eating this plant.


Conclusion: Cebu Blue Pothos Care

In summary, Cebu Blue Pothos Plants can bring unique beauty into any room. This plant looks terrific when put into a hanging pot as it effortlessly leans out of the container. Not only does the plant look fantastic and is easy to care for, but propagation with this plant is incredibly easy. That means you can add more of these plants to your home or office, or you can gift them as a present to friends and family!

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