How To Take Care of a Cilantro Plant

how to take care of a cilantro plant

Cilantro is an annual herb native to Northern Africa, Southwestern Asia, the Mediterranean, and the Middle East. Today, it’s a popular and healthy way to add extra taste and flavor to your favorite meals without worrying about carbs. Here are some tips to consider to keep your cilantro plant healthy and strong in your home or garden for a long time!


Other Names

  • Coriander Leaves
  • Chinese Parsley
  • Dhania


What Are Some Different Types of Cilantro?

  • Culantro
  • Indian Summer Cilantro
  • Mexican Coriander
  • Seed Coriander
  • Vietnamese Cilantro
  • Leaf Cilantro
  • Moroccan Coriander


What Soil Works Best for Cilantro Plants?

what soil works best for cilantro plants

You will find that cilantro will do well in just about any condition, from raised beds, backyard gardens, or potting containers. The key is to have nutrient-rich and well-draining potting soil. To maintain the preferred acidity of 6.2-6.8 pH, use organic matter, mulch, and well-decomposed compost.


How Much Sun Does a Cilantro Plant Need?

Depending on where you live, sun requirements will be different. In mild climates, full sun will allow the plant to thrive. In southern climates, it is best to provide light shade throughout the growing process.


However, cilantro plants don’t enjoy direct sunlight. If possible, you should have a curtain in front of your window to decrease the sun’s rays if the plant is in front of it. If it is in your garden, consider having it somewhere that receives afternoon shade.


What Temperature Works Best?

what temperature works best for a cilantro plant

Around 70 degrees Fahrenheit does best for a cilantro plant. However, a cilantro plant can also do well in a slightly cooler environment. That means that the spring or fall would work better than the summer if you plan to grow this plant at your home or garden.


Does this Plant Enjoy Humidity?

Cilantro plants don’t need a humid environment to grow.


How Often Should You Water this Plant?

An inch of water per week works best for a cilantro plant. When you first sow the seeds, keep the soil moist during the germination period. One tip is to keep the cilantro plant in a pot with suitable drainage holes to prevent root rot.


What Size Does this Grow to Typically?

what size does a cilantro plant get to

Cilantro plants tend to be about 1-2 feet in width and height.


Most Common Bugs

Aphids, armyworms, and whiteflies are common pests when it comes to this plant care. These bugs will suck the nutrients out of the plant, which is why early detection is critical to treating these pests. To remove these bugs from the plant, you should spray the plant down with water.


Most Common Diseases

Powdery mildew, leaf spot, and wilt can affect a cilantro plant. To combat these diseases, you want plenty of airflow for the plant to grow. To do this, you should sow your seeds about 2 inches apart in rows 12 inches apart.


Root rot is also a common problem with this plant where the leaves will droop and turn yellow. To prevent root rot, you should only have this plant in a pot that has drainage holes. Another thing is to reduce your watering for a bit to allow the soil to dry.


How Often Should You Repot this Plant?

A cilantro plant should only need repotting once.


Can you Harvest a Cilantro Plant?

Yes, you can harvest a cilantro plant, which makes it attractive for any plant owner. The first tip is to take no more than 1/3 of the plant when you trim; otherwise, you will risk damage and slowed growths. Secondly, it is best to sow seeds in succession every 2-3 weeks to have a bountiful crop. And, if left alone, it will self-sow and give you additional plants.


Harvesting for Coriander Seeds

You can also grow your plant to produce seeds. Coriander seeds are large and easy to harvest and handle. To gather them, do so on a dry day. Cut the seedpods before they turn brown, begin to crack, or are released into the garden.


Once you have captured the pods, put them into a paper bag to catch the seeds. In a dark, well-ventilated, cool place, for a few weeks will allow them to finish ripening. Then shake the pods and allows the roots to release.

Make sure you cut the seed heads on time, or the heavier seeds will cause the stem to fall over.


Companion Growing Consideration

Cilantro plants can both provide and receive great benefits when planted alongside proper companions. Due to its aromatic fragrance, cilantro is excellent to grow alongside spinach, melons, tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, yarrow, and basil to help deter pests and insects.


Beans, peas, and lupines provide the soil with nitrogen that cilantro thrives on for growing. And chervil provides extra deterrence against cilantro feeding pests. Also, tall plants like sunflowers and cosmos and sunflowers provide beneficial shade during the hot summer months.


Lastly, you want to make sure you keep it far away from fennel plants because they produce a chemical that can inhibit the growth of cilantro.


Cilantro and Cooking

When using for cooking, make sure you take the fresh upper leaves and not the lower mature ones. This fresh cilantro will ensure that you have the best taste in your dishes!


Nutritional Facts

A quarter cup of cilantro has one calorie, .1g of protein, no fat, and no carbs.


Conclusion – How to Take Care of a Cilantro Plant

In summary, taking care of cilantro plants is straightforward. It doesn’t need much water, sun, or a hot environment, making it an attractive option for plant owners. Not to mention that adding some cilantro to your recipe can be the difference between a good and great meal!


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