‌How to Take Care of a Monstera Pinnatipartita

‌How to Take Care of a Monstera Pinnatipartita

A Monstera Pinnatipartita is a relatively low-maintenance plant to have. Keeping it as an indoor plant, you can expect it to grow anywhere between 3-6 feet, making it a great addition to any room’s corner. Here is the complete guide on Monstera Pinnatipartita care.


What Soil Works Best for a Monstera Pinnatipartita?

What Soil Works Best for a Monstera Pinnatipartita

Organic potting soil with orchid bark and perlite works best for this tropical plant. In addition to that organic matter, you want the soil to be consistently moist, never soggy. Soggy soil can result in root rot, a typical problem for this plant.


To further reduce the chance of root rot, make sure that the soil and plant are in a container with drainage holes. Drainage holes help excess water flow out of the bottom pot, which reduces the chance of root rot.


Finally, this plant is a climber (epiphyte) with its aerial roots. To encourage climbing-like growth in your home, you can place a totem moss pole in the soil to have the plant latch onto it. Having a moss pole, especially before the plant matures, will promote the future healthy growth of the plant.


Can You use a Houseplant Fertilizer?

You can use a well-balanced fertilizer with this plant during the spring and summer. If this is the first time the plant is getting fertilizer, you should give half the recommendation that the bottle suggests easing the plant into extra nutrients. Once you provide the plant fertilizer, you will want to water it immediately to have it absorb into the soil.


You don’t need to give this plant any fertilizer during the winter months since there will be little growth in general.


How Much Sunlight Does a Monstera Pinnatipartita Need?

How Much Sunlight Does a Monstera Pinnatipartita Need

The plant needs low light to grow healthy and strong. Since this is plant is from the rainforest, it is familiar with developing in indirect sunlight.


Too much direct sunlight can burn the green leaves of this plant, so consider placing this plant in front of an east-facing window where the morning sun won’t be intense. If possible, you should put a curtain or blinds over the window to make a more indirect light climate for the plant.


What Temperature Works Best for this Plant?

The ideal temperature for this tropical plant is 65-80 degrees Fahrenheit. This plant can tolerate temperatures dropping down to 50 degrees Fahrenheit, but anything lower than that can put this plant into shock. Be mindful about keeping this plant near a cold window during the winter, as that cool temperature can cause the plant to wilt.


What Humidity Requirements Does a Monstera Pinnatipartita Need?

What Humidity Requirements Does a Monstera Pinnatipartita Need

Being native to the rainforests in South America, this plant loves humid climates. Consider placing this plant in a bathroom with a shower since that will be the most humid part of your home. Running a hot shower each day will be something this plant enjoys being around.


In addition to placing the plant in a bathroom, you can set this plant around other plants to increase humidity. When other plants let the water evaporate from their leaves, it gives off humidity, so combining plants can create a micro humid environment.


Finally, you can experiment with a humidifier next to the plant for a bit. Running the humidifier next to this houseplant is a good idea if you are in a dry climate and need to raise the humidity. However, be mindful not to leave the humidifier on all day next to the plant since that won’t allow the soil to dry and can lead to root rot.


How Often Should You Water a Monstera Pinnatipartita?

How Often Should You Water a Monstera Pinnatipartita

Water the plant when the top two inches of potting soil become dry. During the growing season in the spring and summer, you will need to water this plant more often. Misting the plant during the growing season is a good idea since this plant loves humid environments.


You want to scale back how often you water this plant during the winter. Overwatering is a common problem, and signs of it are yellow leaves and root rot. To reduce the chance of overwatering the plant, only water it when the top two inches of soil are dry and only use a drainage hole container.


Finally, brown leaves on the plant are a sign of underwatering. If you notice a few brown leaves on the plant, consider increasing how much water you give the plant.


What Sze Does a Monstera Pinnatipartita Grow to Typically?

3-6 feet is the average height for this plant if you keep it inside.


Most Common Bugs

Spider mites, mealybugs, scale, and aphids are all common problems with this plant. If you notice these bugs, you can spray the plant down with water to remove them. If spraying the plant doesn’t remove them, you can use a wet cloth and a little neem oil to wipe down the leaves gently.


Most Common Diseases

Root rot is a common problem for this plant. Root rot is a combination of overwatering the plant and not giving it enough indirect light. If you have this problem, you will need to remove any dead roots from the plant and place it back into fresh dry soil.


Can you Prune a Monstera Pinnatipartita?

Can you Prune a Monstera Pinnatipartita

Pruning a Monstera Pinnatipartita is a good idea when it starts becoming too big for the space in your home. Since this is a fast grower, you will need to prune this plant often. Always use clean sheaths when removing stems from the mother plant so it won’t create an infection.


Out in the rainforests in South America, this plant could grow to 30 feet tall, but as an indoor plant, it will only be a few feet.


Can you Propagate a Monstera Pinnatipartita?

You can use water or soil to propagate this plant from the stem cutting you take from the mother plant. Here are the steps below for propagation.


  1. Cut a 4-6 inch stem off the mother plant with 1-2 leaf nodes. You want to cut the 4-6 inches right below a node on a plant so the mother plant can keep growing after that cutting.
  2. Remove any bottom leaves from the 4-6 inch stem cutting. Removing these leaves helps the cutting preserve their water since leaves release moisture.
  3. Apply a rooting hormone to the stem cutting’s bottom to prep for propagation. Using a rooting hormone is an excellent idea if you are going to place it in soil for propagation.
  4. Place the stem cutting into a jar of water or directly place it in fresh soil.
  5. After a few weeks in either soil or water, you can put this stem cutting directly into a new pot since there will be roots.


Can you Repot a Monstera Pinnatipartita?

It is best to repot a Monstera Pinnatipartita when it becomes too large for the current container. A sign that it needs a new home is if roots are sticking out of the drainage holes. When repotting this plant, place the plant into a container up to two inches bigger in diameter than the previous home. After that, you can put fresh potting soil into the container and let the plant settle.


Where Does the Monstera Pinnatipartita Originate from Initially?

This plant originates from South America’s rainforest. Specifically, you can find it in Peru, Colombia, and Ecuador.


What USDA Hardiness Zone Works Best?

Keeping a Monstera Pinnatipartita in a USDA Hardiness Zone between 10-12 works best.


Is it Toxic?

This tropical plant is toxic if digested by humans or pets. Common problems with eating this plant include an upset stomach, vomiting, and swelling in the mouth.


Conclusion: How to Take Care of a Monstera Pinnatipartita

In summary, a Monstera Pinnatipartita is a low-maintenance tropical plant that adds a burst of green to any room. As a plant care recap, you want to give it lots of humidity, indirect sunlight, and weekly watering during the growing season. This plant is easy enough to propagate too, which means you can add more of them throughout your home!


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